The link below is about location scouting and managing in real life. A lot of things there are not necessary here in a virtual world, but we can have an idea what it's about. Some of these topics are the same in Second Life. I/we can try to "translate" it to Second Life conditions. I don't think that we need several persons for the location management in small projects. One person is enough for location scouting and managing.
Let's have ideas! I had one recently. Sometimes I have a look at shops for houses and skyboxes. Without wanting to buy one. Just because of interest in architecture. And I saw a sort of club and had a look. Immediately I had the feeling to be at a movie set. I bought it, although I had no special idea what to film there. The advantage of having your own film set is obvious. You don't have to ask for permissions. The club is big, maybe you can't rez it on your own parcel. Go to a sandbox then. The house is mod and copy, so you can use just parts of it. And have a look for other movie sets like this! This is not an advertisement. Just an example. Six pictures below.
Remark concerning the skybox. I didn't tell you the name. If you know it, please don't buy it at the moment. It looks very good. But after I bought it, I saw that everything is too big. When you sit down, your feet can't reach the ground and your head is barely above table level. I hope it's possible to fix that.
Good news: I copied a chair. It was possible to make it smaller. It's not possible with the whole skybox. So when you want to film it with people sitting, you can make the chairs and table smaller. Not a big deal.
Remark 2: Let's share all the "movie" skyboxes and buildings we have in our inventories. We can rez it in sandboxes and film there. Better, because sandboxes return your prims after a while, would be people in the group who have a sim and allow to rez things temporarily for filming.