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live movie maker hud {7CA5E0B3-04C3-40C7-BA15-C8E218A2444E}512.jpg

Price: 99 Linden Dollars (Due to currency fluctuations between 0.3 - 0.4 dollars)


When you have more than - let's say - 15 shots / views, it's not easy to handle the editing. Because if you insert a shot near the end of the movie, you have to play the movie always from the beginning. Fast forward or Rewind is not possible.
This version has some navigation possibilities, so you can jump to every part of the movie and edit and watch there. You can also make a separated movie part with some views and insert it later to the main movie.
The movie script is not "Modify".



Price: 100 Linden Dollars

  • You can choose any color you want

  • It's modify. So you can make it bigger if needed

  • Notecard for help inside

for Chroma-Keying 1.0

This is a box for creating pictures or videos with a transparent background. It creates a blue (or any other) color as background for further use of chroma-keying. It’s preset as blue box, but you can change the color to green etc. That’s why I call it color box.
When you have the video or picture with the color background, you can use it with your video editing or graphics program, to make the background transparent for chroma-keying. See video link below.


The price of one picture is 100 L$. One prim with texture.
Details on Second Life Marketplace.

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